About a month to go...wait, where are we going?

About a month to go before departure and we've managed to locate Jordan on the map. (Kidding - we've both been before, but it has been a while..) Ah....look at those neighboring countries. Can you feel the love?
So....sheesh....how do you pack for this sort of thing? I'm afraid with the arrival of Noah, our backpacking days are over. I guess we need passports....I should remember Aaron (or Aaron should remember me)...oh, and Noah...and I suppose the rest will fall into place.

For those unfamiliar with Jordan, the best vernacular example is found in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (a classic). Remember this scene? It's Petra....in southern Jordan. At the risk of disappointing many, the inside of the tomb/ Treasury looks nothing like the movie....but you'll have to come visit to see for yourself.
Please stay tuned.....
Can't wait to hear about your adventures ...
-your pals Joellynn & Caleb