Brody Family Visit

After being back in Amman for a little over 24 hours, Aaron’s intrepid family (Mom, Dad, and brother Dave) arrived in Jordan. Exploring locally, we went to the Amman citadel and Archaeology Museum (where Noah forced Grandma to read to him) on their first day in the country. The beautiful weather accentuated the ruins. That evening ACOR fellow Geoff Clark gave a riveting lecture on the origins of early man. A reception followed and we (Aaron and I) ended the evening happily chatted with ACOR fellows and visiting fellows from the sister institution in Jerusalem.
The next day Aaron and family went to Iraq al Amir while I got to catch up with dig buddies. Ahhhh. Girl time.
Jerash was on the docket for the following day. While Aaron worked, the Brodys and I headed for the classical ruins.
Having visited som

After a great night’s sleep, we left the next morning for Aqaba, taking a drive through a paved part of Wadi Rum on the way.
While Aqaba has developed substantially in the ten years since I worked there, the mountains, sun, and sea remain the same. We stayed at a beautiful hotel and – after visiting the sites where I excavated – we all just relaxed and enjoyed the hotel and the beach. Noah – who had been

We headed back to Amman via the Dead Sea and marveled at the scenery around the Wadi Mujib. We stayed around ACOR the following day, while the day after Aaron’s family headed out to see the desert castles in eastern Jordan. Dave left the next morning and the final few days with Aaron’s parents included outings to the Mall (where we found a good French restaurant – who knew?), to the Royal Automobile Museum and Children’s Museums, and to Madaba and Mount Nebo (where Moses is said to have looked on the ‘Promised Land’). Wow. Aaron and I had never been to Nebo before and we were floored by the view. Noah summed it up, “isn’t this a gweat view, Mama?” Since the departure of Aaron’s folks, we’ve been laying low: Aaron’s looking at collections (having finally secured the necessary permissions) and I’m working on revising an article and honing my soccer skills (so that a three year old doesn’t beat the pants off me).
April 1 was Barbara Porter’s three year anniversary as Director of ACOR and there were a couple of celebrations – a party hosted by our West Point neighbors on March 31 and a pastry and coffee celebration on the day of the anniversary. Here’s to many more years, Barbara.

Enjoy - we're living for the back in Oakland slide shows! :)
-Joellynn & Caleb