Stormin' the Castle

We're going to make up for the lack of photos for yesterday's donkey-on-the-run entry in today's entry. Set out this morning to visit the Islamic castle at Ajlun, a small town about an hour and change north of Amman. The castle did not disappoint. This could be my favorite castle in the world. Lots of great rooms to scramble in and out of, ubiquitous ballista stones (canon balls to Noah), very cool phases of architecture, and a carving of pigeons. If you squint, you can just make them out in the photo on the right. Pigeon explanation - Ajlun was one in a series of castles through which one could get a message from Cairo to Damascus via messenger pigeon in 12 hours during the Crusader period. (Pigeon? Or was that a swallow? English or European? Joking...that's for the Monty Python fans.) Though our search for knights in the castle (at Noah's request) left us empty handed, we saw an awful lot of cool castle stuff. I - for one - am ready to move in. I have my bedroom and rooftop studio all picked out. Nobody will notice, eh?
Home at last, we're slightly knackered from storming the castle and are getting ready to hit the sack....and dream of pigeons.....


Anonymous said…
And was the swallow laden is also a key python question!

Sounds like you all are having good adventures.

Chilly cold rain in Berkeley today. Yay rain, blech cold.