We've arrived

Made it! Contrary to reports, we did NOT land in the Hudson River, but made it safely through New York and on to Amman. Arrived an hour early (who knew?) and made it to ACOR without incident.
Our new digs (no pun intended) are spacious and comfortable. We went for a stroll today after finally making it out of our 'front yard', which contains an excavated Roman (?) farmhouse. Noah loved the 'playground' and delighted in trying to rearrange the architecture (no worries - three year old muscles can't quite move wall stones...yet). Look at him giving his first site tour. "Mama, this big rock is 45 pounds. I think we should move it." Think we're headed back tomorrow (today?) as that's what he was talking about during his brief sleep.
We're currently experiencing some SERIOUS jetlag and have been blissfully sleeping from about 10 to midnight (if we're lucky) and 5 am to noon. Don't think we've done that since college. Someday we'll get into the local timezone. So nice to have a flexible schedule.
Ah...speaking of, I think it might be nearing that magical 5 am mark....eyelids (for all of us) are beginning to droop. Signing off for now.....


Welcome to the neighborhood!
We'd love for you all to come visit.
Unknown said…
So glad you aren't in the Hudson! And glad you arrived safely. I am jealous of all the sleeping... What is the weather like?
Anonymous said…
Hi Brodys!

We miss you already - glad you've arrived safe and sound!
Linda Leckart said…
Greetings from "The Bowling Alley"!
my hyggelig said…
Greetings from one who used to bowl...
So glad to see you made it, can't wait for more postings. All my best...