The next main event was a Cinco de Mayo celebration – an excuse to have Mexican food, drink, and to celebrate Robert’s 29th birthday (he’s had a few 29th birthdays). Noah and I prepared for the party by making a birthday cake. The first cake failed miserably, so we built a hypocaust column out of the bits (these are the columns that support the floors of Roman baths – Robert studies Roman baths). The second cake

came out better thanks to Noah and his micromanagement. Complete with margaritas, Mexican beer, chili, tamales, LIMES, and Janet’s amazing spring rolls, the Cinco feast was fantastic. Robert and Noah did a stellar job of blowing out birthday candles. The entertainment included a piñata

brought back from the States just for the occasion. Noah put forth a remarkable effort, as did Robert, but it was Samurai James who unburdened the beast. With minimal competition, Noah gleefully cleaned up after the broken piñata.