The Final Countdown

Since the Cinco party, we’ve been laying low and slowly packing. I think we’re all looking forward to heading home. Noah’s drawings of Oakland are becoming more frequent. Our ‘low-laying’ has included some suq shopping, neighborhood wandering, and reading (oh, and working for

We went swimming at a hotel and enjoyed every minute, indulging in a muffin break at (gasp) Starbucks after our swim.
Longing for something a little different, we made sushi in our apartment, thanks largely to Kim, the sushi master.

Had a great Mother’s Day that included the opportunity to shave my legs listening to Mozart arias UNINTERRUPTED. We trolled around downtown doing the final shopping and then hiked up to my favorite neighborhood, around Rainbow Street. Saw a fantastic photography exhibition at Wild Jordan and enjoyed smoothies in the café before heading back to ACOR. Ahhh….

We’re now in the final countdown (its Tuesday and we leave Friday) and are about half packed. Kim comes to stay with us tomorrow and we’re looking forward to Denise’s public lecture Wednesday evening (Figurines from Ain Gazal). Thursday we may visit the Children’s Museum one final time and Friday we’ll hit a suq near Wild Jordan before departing for DC at midnight.